Sunday 20 October 2013

Activities of 20 Oct 2013

With the torrential rain in the night the weather had cooled down but students and the escort's day started with a hectic schedule.The escorts and participants were ready in the morning to leave for the inaugural ceremony that was to be held at Ajeya Stadium, HVF, Avadi by 7.30 am. An early breakfast was provided to all the participants and escorts.

Buses were arranged to drop the participants and the escorts at the venue of the inaugural ceremony.

The members of the cultural program were also in school getting ready for presenting a group song. They left for HVF Avadi by 8.30 am.

The grand opening ceremony of the 44th KVS National Sports Meet (Boys) was held at Ajeya Stadium, HVF Estate, Avadi on 20 Oct 2013 at 1100 hrs. The participants, escort teachers from various regions, Principals, Vice Principals and teacher coordinators of Chennai region were welcomed by Shri NR Murali. The chief Guest of the function Shri Avinash Dikshit, IDAS, Commissioner, KVS, New Delhi hoisted the flag. The torch was lit by Padmashree Smt Shiny Wilson, Former Olympian and Guest of Honour for the function.

All the 25 regions of KVS gave a smart turn out representing their regions. The march past was colourful, synchronised. and showcased KVS's might and excellence in various sports.March past was followed by the formal Oath taking ceremony. All the captains of various regions came forward and pronounced the words of the Sports Oath and promised to abide by the rules and regulations in the true spirit of sportsmanship and for the glory of sports.

The chief Guest Shri Avinash Dikshit, IDAS, Commissioner, KVS, New Delhi declared the 44th KVS National Sports Meet 2013 (Boys) open.

A display of cultural events from the schools of  Chennai region added poise to the ceremony. It was music and  dance which kept the audience gripped for about an hour. The Guest of honour, Padmashree Smt Shiny Wilson, Former Olympian felicitated the players and the organizers of the Meet.

The Inaugural address was delivered by Shri Avinash Dikshit, IDAS, Commissioner, KVS, New Delhi.

The programme came to a close with the National Anthem.     

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